All About Cats
All things cats are compiled here. From funny photos and stories, to education about health, wellness, and many more cat related topics. As most of our site is always under construction bare with us while we continue to work on our pages.
Kittens are adorable and fascinating little creatures but sometimes can be a little more to handle than what you might expect. Learn here about the health and wellness of caring for a kitten.
Adult CaTS
Adult Cat Care is crucial as your cat will spend most of its life in these years. Being knowledgeable and prepared for your cats health throughout this time is especially important. Here you will see several articles you might find useful.
Nutrition plays a key roll in any cats life and it is extremely important that you know all that you can so you can provide the best, most nutritional food for your furry feline. Learn more here about nutritional information.
A cats behavior is one of its own. Very unique to not only the feline species but also to every individual cat. There are several tip and tricks here to help you understand your cats behavior.
Litter Box Training
Oh the dreaded litter box! Except, it doesn't have to be as bad as you might think. In this section you can acquire some pointers on training as well as product knowledge.
Cat Stories
Not only do we have some funny stories of our own but we love. love, love when clients share cat stories of their own. Big or small, savannah or not we love them all!
Fun Facts
Besides all the important education on health, wellness, and nutrition, there are some pretty fun facts we often come across when it comes to our friendly felines.
About Savannahs
Savannahs, in my opinion, are unlike any other cat breed. They are amazing, affectionate, and intelligent creatures that nothing can compare to.
Our Favorite Products
Everyone has their own favorite things not matter what product it is. But after several years of trial and error these are things that have worked best for us and our cats.
About Servals
The African Serval is one of the top small exotic cat species used for hybridization. They are naturally social and incredibly beautiful.
About Us
In this section you can learn a little more about who we are, and where we come from. Not only about us, but about our cattery and all the amazing people that help us everyday.
There are several things we are asked on a daily basis and there is so much to learn. But here are some key topics that always pop up.