Carley - F6 SBT Savannah Female — A1 Savannahs

Carley - F6 SBT Savannah Female

A1Savannahs f6 Carley looking to the sky
Copy of Carley- A1 Savannahs Female SBT Savannah Kitten - Savannah Cats and Kittens Available
Copy of Carley- A1 Savannahs Female SBT Savannah Kitten - Savannah Cats and Kittens Available
Copy of Carley- A1 Savannahs Female SBT Savannah Kitten - Savannah Cats and Kittens Available
Copy of Carley- A1 Savannahs Female SBT Savannah Kitten - Savannah Cats and Kittens Available
Copy of Carley- A1 Savannahs Female SBT Savannah Kitten - Savannah Cats and Kittens Available
Copy of Carley- A1 Savannahs Female SBT Savannah Kitten - Savannah Cats and Kittens Available
Copy of Carley- A1 Savannahs Female SBT Savannah Kitten - Savannah Cats and Kittens Available
Copy of Carley- A1 Savannahs Female SBT Savannah Kitten - Savannah Cats and Kittens Available
Copy of Carley- A1 Savannahs Female SBT Savannah Kitten - Savannah Cats and Kittens Available
Copy of Carley- A1 Savannahs Female SBT Savannah Kitten - Savannah Cats and Kittens Available
Copy of Carley- A1 Savannahs Female SBT Savannah Kitten - Savannah Cats and Kittens Available
Copy of Carley- A1 Savannahs Female SBT Savannah Kitten - Savannah Cats and Kittens Available
Copy of Carley- A1 Savannahs Female SBT Savannah Kitten - Savannah Cats and Kittens Available
Copy of Carley- A1 Savannahs Female SBT Savannah Kitten - Savannah Cats and Kittens Available
Copy of Carley- A1 Savannahs Female SBT Savannah Kitten - Savannah Cats and Kittens Available
Copy of Carley- A1 Savannahs Female SBT Savannah Kitten - Savannah Cats and Kittens Available
Copy of Carley- A1 Savannahs Female SBT Savannah Kitten - Savannah Cats and Kittens Available
Copy of Carley- A1 Savannahs Female SBT Savannah Kitten - Savannah Cats and Kittens Available
Copy of Carley- A1 Savannahs Female SBT Savannah Kitten - Savannah Cats and Kittens Available
Copy of Carley- A1 Savannahs Female SBT Savannah Kitten - Savannah Cats and Kittens Available
F6 Carley overlooking her yard
SBT Carley walking through the vines
F6 Carley exploring the backyard
A1Savannahs Carley enjoying her walk through the yard
F6 Carley is taking one foot in front of the other as she explores the yard
A1Savannahs F6 Carley on a ledge with her front paws looking into flowers
Carley the f6 savannah cat is walking on a rock ledge
A1Savannahs Carley found a nice stone to sit on
resting on a stone, F6 Carley is observing her surroundings
f6 Carley walking on a rock ledge
F6 Carley is overlooking the back yard
A1Savannahs Carley is resting in the greenery
The stepping stones are a great place for SBT Carley to take a moment to sit
Carley the f6 savannah is walking down a path
something in the air caught SBT savannah cat Carley's eye
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sold out

Carley - F6 SBT Savannah Female


PET PRICE - $2,000.00

F6 SBT Savannah Female

Date of Birth: July 04, 2017

Carley has a warm golden coat and a personality to match. Her long body is embellished with those nice black spots.

Lives in Germany


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