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Eco-Friendly Cat Ownership: Sustainable Products and Practices for Cat Lovers

Sustainability is the need of time as the pollutants in our environments are creating havoc on human health. Eco-friendly alternatives are available for every aspect of life and pet ownership is no exception. From finding nutritious reptile pet food at to choosing the sustainable litter box for your feline friend, the right choices can significantly reduce the impact on our environment. Prioritizing sustainability is the only thing we can do to bring the earth back to its normal state is to stick to eco-friendly practices. This blog post includes some green choices for your feline friend. Let’s get started for more details.

Exploring Green Practices for Eco-Friendly Cat Ownership

Fostering a cat means buying different products for its healthy upbringing. Here are some eco-conscious choices you can make for your fur buddy.

1. Eco-conscious Cat Food

High-quality pet food is the basic need of each pet to ensure a balanced diet. However, traditionally, cat foods are sourced from industrial farming using large amounts of fertilizers, insecticides, and pesticides. Such chemicals have significant carbon emissions. Therefore, it is highly recommended to prioritize locally made organic cat food with minimal packing which has reduced carbon emissions and recyclable leftovers.

2. Eco-Friendly Litter Box

A litter box is a requirement to maintain hygiene. However, the traditional litter boxes are made of non-biodegradable clay. Fortunately, there are some eco-friendly alternatives. The best choice is to use the reusable and washable litter boxes. You can also use biodegradable litter made of recycled paper, corn, and wheat. Likewise, another option is to upcycle shredded newspaper and sawdust.

Sustainable Cat Accessories

Cats are energetic creatures that need adequate toys and accessories to keep them entertained and physically fit. Commonly, cat toys are made of non-biodegradable plastics. However, with a little research, you can find sustainable toys made up of cotton and wool. You can also use old fabrics and socks to make stuffed toys for your feline baby. Similarly, for other accessories like beds, repurpose old cushions and blankets to create a cozy bed without stressing the natural resources.

Sustainable Grooming Products

Grooming is a crucial part of ensuring the hygiene of your cat and keeping it healthy. However, conventional pet care tools have chemicals used in their composition which are harmful to both the environment and your pet. Therefore, you need to opt for shampoos, wipes, balms, and other products that are sourced from ethical and organic resources and are made of natural ingredients like aloe vera, oatmeal, and plant-based oils.

Sustainable Grooming Tools

Many cat owners try to save money on grooming tools and fall into the trap of buying cheap-quality tools which they have to throw away after a few uses. These tools are usually non-recyclable and create millions of grooming tools each year exhausting our natural resources. Therefore, it is important to invest in high-quality and sustainable grooming tools made up of recycled plastics and bamboo which last longer reducing the need to frequently buy their substitutes.

Green Waste Disposal Practices

Many cat owners try to compost the cat litter with kitchen waste. However, this practice is extremely incorrect. Cat waste potentially has many pathogens that can destroy your whole composting practices. Therefore, always handle biodegradable cat litter according to the recommended conditions. Check the local guides about handling cat waste and be a responsible citizen of society with your sustainable choices.

Adopt Water-Wise Practices

Whether it is cats or any other pet, water is the basic requirement. From bathing to staying hydrated, you need a clean water source for your pet. However, certain water-wise practices can help you to limit the water wastage. For drinking purposes, it is highly recommended to use a pet fountain which recirculates water and saves water wastage. Moreover, be mindful of water usage during bathing.

Vote For the Eco-Friendly Pet Brands

You might have seen that brands prefer to modify their products according to the customer’s demands. So, you can compel the manufacturers to create more eco-friendly products by increasing your demand for sustainable products. Support the brands that are bringing organic and eco-conscious products to the market to be a positive part of eco- friendly initiatives and minimize the reduction of non-biodegradable waste production.

Final Words

Eco-friendly cat ownership is about preferring eco-conscious products and opting the sustainable practices that make a significant difference in the damaging state of the earth. Eco-conscious practices create a healthy environment for your fur baby to let it truly enjoy their happy life with their human partner. Go with the above steps and each step will smoothen the way to the greener future.

Well that was fun…now Click on the links in the article to see where it takes you.

Until our next cat convo


Protecting Your Savannah Cat With Pet Insurance

Pet Insurance is really about being prepared for when your Savannah cat needs to see a vet. Pet owners want to make sure they have the best resources and care available and pet insurance can make that reality.

New research from shows exactly what types of pet insurance is the best and provides helpful information on figuring out what pet insurance company is best for you and your Savannah pet. 

Whether it’s a couple of stitches for an injured paw or potentially life-threatening conditions, pet insurance provides cat owners with the peace of mind knowing that they can provide for their cat in a time of need. It’s true that pet insurance may cost you $38-70 per month, but it covers a significant portion of vet bills that can cost up to $5-$10k! Most of us can agree that we can find ways to cut back on monthly expenditures to ensure that we have the means to provide for our sick cats in times of need.

How to Choose your Pet Insurance Plan? 

It's not fun going through insurance plan options trying picking the right plan for you. Understanding what factors to consider when choosing your insurance coverage is an important piece to making sure your Savannah cat has the right resources to live a healthy life (and that you’re getting what you pay for!).

Coverage Amounts

The amount of coverage is one of the most important factors to consider when selecting pet insurance. Savannah owners require a plan that has extensive coverage with few exclusions. As responsible pet owners themselves, the team at did the research to make sure pet owners are as ready as they can be for the unexpected. 

Typically, there are three types of coverage: comprehensive (covers accident/illness), accidents only (covers only accidents), and wellness coverage (covers preventative care). The most common choice amongst pet owners is the comprehensive package for its affordability and extensiveness in terms of coverage. 

Benefit Limits

Beyond the coverage types, the research team at suggests that the second most important factor to consider would be the benefit limits. Some plans will provide unlimited lifetime benefits, others will be capped on an annual/lifetime amount, and several are on a per-condition basis. Veterinary costs are historically trending higher, so a plan without an annual cap is the way to go these days. 

Deductibles and Reimbursements

The last things to consider are deductibles and reimbursements. This plays a key part in your monthly rate. Higher deductibles would translate into lower payments per month. The types of deductibles pet insurance can offer you are the annual, per-condition lifetime, and per-condition annual deductibles. 

There are also three main types of reimbursements a pet insurance company may offer you. Actual Cost means your insurance will pay you back a percentage of your Savannah’s medical bill after you have paid off your deductible. Plans that offer actual cost will give you several different percentage options to choose from. Benefit Schedules states when your pet insurance coverage will be paid back depending on the illness/procedure. Lastly, there is also the Usual and Customary, which has become less popular over the years. This reimbursement is dependant on the procedure but also considers your geographic location. 

Picking a pet insurance coverage for your Savannah is a very important decision that can save you thousands of dollars and protect your pet. Make sure you do the proper research to find what is best for you.

This site did your job and listed the best cat insurance companies right here

Click on the pictures or the hyperlink to learn more.

Until our next cat convo


We've Been Busy

Hey all!

Sorry it's been a few weeks since I posted last. I have been working on adding our new products to our webpage! They are pretty cool, and we are super excited about them. I didn't really quite realize all the work and effort that goes into adding all of this but its finally done!!! I am not really a computer whiz, so I am pretty proud that I did most of this on my own! Ha Ha. We have a lot of things up our sleeves that we plan for the future so there is more to come! 

See Our Products

You can click the button to the right to check out all the new stuff. I will explain a little about them, so you can get a good idea of what we have to offer. 

First Off, We Have The Cat Collars

The cat collars are extremely neat as they come with a matching bracelet for you. They feature the breakaway collar and are made with animal friendly vegan leather with gold clasps. They come in a variety of colors and patterns which we will be adding more as soon as we get them in stock. We also have a variety of dog collars if you all are interested just let us know by sending me an email at I would be happy to show you what we can get. Also, if and when you buy the collars please send us photos of you and your matching kitty! We would like to have a client photo gallery of our products in use.

Second, We Have The Super-Duper Sturdy Cat Furniture 

Okay, so not to brag or anything but this stuff is really cool. Since our Savannah's are pretty large compared to most cats, it's hard to find shelves that accommodate their size and weight. When I found out about these shelves and hammocks I was instantly in love. Most of them can hold up to 65 pounds or more. They have a multitude of variations and you can choose your own stain and fabric color to match your house. Pretty Snazzy! There are products of all price ranges and the good thing about this furniture is that you can always add-on and make your own design. It is elevated off of the ground, so it can also be a safe space for cats that have dog or kid friends. You can add feeders as well as planter boxes which I think is the coolest thing ever, especially for indoor cats. In a later blog post I will let you all know what plants are safe for your cats to nibble on. 

Third And Final Note

We are planning on adding to this collection of products in the near future. We already have some ideas and things in progress that we can't wait to share with all our cat families!

Let us know how you like our stuff so far or have any questions. We would be more than happy to help!

Until our next cat convo



A Little Background

Hey all of our fellow cat lovers! 

I am Martin Engster owner of A1 Savannahs along with my son Max. I know most of you do not know a lot about us as we have kept pretty to ourselves since owning A1 Savannahs. I have finally decided to venture out and start a blog about our fun, insane, stressful, amazing, and blessed life as Savannah Cat Breeders. 

I am 37 years young, have a very supportive and loving son and my family basically just rocks. We live in the middle of nowhere Oklahoma on our small ranch but it is nice and quiet and we really enjoy it here. 

In September of 2013 I decided to start a new adventure in my life and became a dad to a bajillion Savannah Cats. We had worked with the previous owners for several years before we actually had this business opportunity to own A1 Savannahs. 

When we started this journey it came with a lot of ups and downs. It was NOT easy at first, not that it is always easy now, but my son and I stuck with it and with the help my my parents things got better. We have learned a lot in the last several years but still have a ton more to learn. We are not perfect in any way, shape, or form. We do NOT know everything there is to know about Savannah Cats, and Servals, and USDA regulations, and state regulations and TICA codes, and enrichment, and nutrition but we do our absolute best and our love for cats and this breed is why we do this. 

My dad, brother and myself have a machining company where we work normal business hours. I do all of our customer relations as well as advertising and marketing. And Max and my parents along with some other helpers manage all the cleaning and caring of the cats on a daily basis. It literally take a village to do all this.

a1 savannahs intro to blog martin selfie

This is really my passion and I have a love for my cats that I just can't not describe. There have been many times that I have wanted to throw in the hat because lets be honest, it's not all rainbows and butterflies. But it is always the cats that keep me going. If times are tough it is the cats that get me through and remind me why I do all of this in the first place. Its not about the money or how we make a living but its my hobby. I always say this is my really expensive hobby, but that's besides the point. ;) I absolutely love what I do everyday and am blessed to have the opportunity to do so. 

I hope all of you enjoy our blog as much as we enjoy sharing it. 

Until Our Next Cat Convo   


Trying Out This Whole Blog Thang

Hey All!

So after hearing non stop about all these blogs and how we should start one I figured I would give it a go! Its not going to be perfect and 100% factual but mostly some random things about the cats, our cattery, and our crazy life! I am going to try and have a fun post every week and if anyone has anything they would like me to post about please feel free to email me! 

Looking forward to this new and fun journey!