Moving with cats - how to prepare?

If there is anyone who dislikes moving more than humans, it is cats. Once they adapt to their surroundings, they resist new routines. Though, you already know that. What you may not know yet is how to make moving with cats bearable for your loving pets, so stick with us and learn how to do it the right way!

Prepare your cat for the move

The most unpleasant part of the move for a cat is the time it spends in the carrier. Likely, your pet won't appreciate the seemingly endless time spent locked behind bars. To make it as comfortable as possible when the moving time comes, help your cat adapt to the carrier in advance. The more it dislikes it, the sooner you should start with preparations.

Simply, leave the carrier open in the room your cat spends the most time in. Let the cat explore it and get used to it. You can place food, treats, favorite toys around and inside the carrier to show your cat it is safe. If your feline friend is still anxious about the carrier, talk to the vet. They may prescribe your cat a mild sedative or anti-anxiety medication for the duration of the trip. 

Furthermore, you should seriously consider protecting your cat with pet insurance. Nowadays, every moving company offers basic moving insurance for your belongings - why wouldn't you protect your pet as well? That way, your cat will be insured against any ailment or accidents that may befall them during the trip. Pet travel insurance works in many ways like human travel insurance. However, premiums are calculated after taking the species and age of your pet into account.

During the relocation

Moving is stressful for humans and animals alike. Nourish your cat with the right combination of vitamins and supplements during and after the relocation. You, at least, know what is going on; your furry family member doesn't. Cats are territorial and relocation may upset them quite a bit.

Avoid moving-induced anxieties

The best you can do for your cat and yourself is to seek professional help when moving out of state. However, you should do whatever you can to keep your cat safe and secure on moving day and reduce its stress as much as possible. The safest way to do this is to empty one room in the house completely and move your cat with its belongings there. That room, preferably a bathroom, should remain closed while the movers come in and out. Not only will your cat remain in the house, but you will also be certain where to find it and it won't participate in the moving chaos. The cat shouldn't be in the carrier until the moment you need to leave the home. While in the room, it should have sufficient but not too much food and water, a litter box, a container, and its toys. 

No one knows your cat's daily schedule better than you and you should stick to it, even during the moving process. With feeding and playing coming always at the same time, your cat will go through the ordeal of changing homes much more smoothly. Finally, once you place your cat in the carrier, don't open it until you secure a base room in your new home. Once you move in and cat-proof the first room your cat will explore, place the cat's belongings around the carrier, open it and welcome your furry roommate to its new home with a treat.

After you settle in

Moving into your new home may seem like the end of the relocation process, but moving with cats doesn't stop there. Even though you have brought in your stuff and began unpacking, there is something more you need to consider. You should carefully prepare your new house for your cat. It is their new home, too, though they may not yet accept it as such.

How well they will adapt depends quite a lot on your efforts. You can try to spread its scent around your home by gently rubbing its cheeks and head with a cotton cloth. Then rub the cloth at your cat's level against the doors and furniture to help it get familiar with its surroundings. You will know you were successful once your cat starts rubbing its head against the objects in the house, further spreading the scent coming from its glands and marking its new territory.

Thorough cleaning and cat-proofing

Unless you purchased a brand-new home, it may be that the previous tenants owned pets, which could cause a problem. Your cat may be upset by the scent left by the animals that used to live there, and it may take it longer to adapt to the new environment. Cats are territorial, and the least you can do to help them adjust is to remove any traces of previous residents. Make sure you deep clean any furniture and carpets, steam clean the floors and disinfect all other surfaces. 

As it goes with all relocations, they tend to be quite chaotic. Stacks of heavy boxes, power plugs, cables, and unsecured windows pose a threat to a cat. To properly cat-proof your home, make sure there aren't any nooks or holes where your cat can get stuck or hurt. Also, find and remove any pest-control traps and poisonous or harmful houseplants.

In case your cat is not adapting well

Depending on the size of your new home, it should take from one to three weeks for the cat to get familiar with its new environment. Don't open all doors at once and allow the cat to roam freely right off the bat. Let it get accustomed to one room at a time and explore slowly. Spend as much free time as you can with your cat and it should help it feel more secure. If your presence and care don't prove sufficient and your cat doesn't feel at ease in its new home, take it to the vet and ask for a piece of expert advice. 

Click on the pictures to see what kittens we currently have available and the links in the article.

Until our next cat convo


Why Savannah Cats Are One of the Smartest Breeds

Inviting an animal into your home is a big decision and a serious responsibility — but when that pet is a Savannah cat, it also means some serious benefits! Your Savannah cat may be a cute and cuddly member of the family, but he or she is also an active little creature with a big personality and a pretty big brain.

While we all know that cats are awfully intelligent creatures, some pure-bred breeds are notably smarter than their fellow felines. According to Johanna Reel, Registered Vet Tech at NHV Natural Pet, “Cat breeds that originate in Africa also tend to be quite intelligent. These include the Abyssinian and Savannah cats.” Here are a few specific traits that make the Savannah cat one of the smartest breeds around.

They’re Connected to their Wild Side

Savannah cats have a very distinct and exotic look, thanks to their close relation to the wild serval. But they may have inherited more than their looks from the African cat; Reel says that “[Savannahs] tend to be more directly linked to their wild ancestors, and perhaps are a little bit closer to independent wild cats who need intelligence on their side to survive in the world.”

The wild nature of a Savannah cat also makes them very social creatures — a wonderful quality in a lifetime companion. When you bring a Savannah into the family, you make them a part of your pride, and these little guys are very loyal to their masters. Savannahs have been known to follow their owners around the house, and even engage in some playful pranks (these cats have a great sense of humor)!

They Love to Hunt

Most domestic cats enjoy hunting (just ask every cat lover who’s found a dead bird or mouse on their back porch). However, Savannah cats are especially partial to tracking and hunting down prey. Part of this is instinctual — as we just mentioned, they are more closely related to wild cats than most domesticated breeds — but it’s also a testament to their intelligence. For Savannahs, hunting and chasing is a fun way to exercise their active brains.

Because of this love of the chase, your Savannah cat may easily become restless if they’re left alone. According to Reel, Savannahs need a lot of proper stimulation or they can become bored, which may lead to destructive behavior. Luckily, this potential problem has an easy solution: take your cat on regular walks! Savannah cats usually love walking with their owners and enjoy spending time playing outdoors, but we do not recommend taking them outside without a leash. Due to their adventurous nature, they’re likely to take off on their own.

For their time spent indoors, cat toys and special cat furniture are great ways to keep them stimulated. Consider adding cat-climbable shelving or sisal poles to your home, built here in the USA and sold at A1Savannahs Savannahs. This furniture is a fantastic way to keep cats happy and engaged inside. We also sell hand made by us Marino Wool Cat Beds that are ideal to keep you kitty warm during the winter and cool during the summer.

They’re Very Observant

Have you ever noticed your Savannah cat staring intently around the room? You might have thought he was staring into space, but it’s more likely that he was keeping tabs on everything around him. These cats are incredibly observant — likely another hangover from their wild ancestors, who had to keep an eye out for rivals or predators on the horizon.

Because of their sharp observation skills, Savannah cats can easily learn the layout of an area (which is why it’s important to make sure your house is ready for them), which helps them quickly adjust to their surroundings. In fact, the Savannah cat’s observant nature is part of the reason that they make excellent service animals! Savannah’s are more likely to notice changes in their owner’s moods, which makes them great therapy animals.

Whether you’re looking for a pet to bring you emotional support, a sharp shooter to hunt down pests, or just a beautiful animal who loves to play, Savannah cats are some of the best and brightest cats you’ll find. If you invite one of these beauties into your life, you’re guaranteed to fall in love!

This article was written for us by Aaron Smith who is a writer and copy strategist for several companies and non-profits. He often covers topics important to pet owners, and is a dedicated dog dad to his three pups. In his free time, Aaron enjoys swimming, swing dancing, and sci-fi novels.

Click on the pictures to see what kittens we currently have available and the links in the article.

Until our next cat convo


5 Ways to Make Your Dogs and Cats Get Along

The conflict between cats and dogs is a known fact. It was even evident in the popular cartoon series Tom and Jerry produced by William Hannah and Joseph Barbera. 

However, plenty of pet owners testify to their cats and dogs getting along quite well, despite popular beliefs. Hence, it’s possible for the two species to get along, and become good buddies. 

According to pet experts at Dog Academy, they demonstrate the ability to get along only if they’ve had a previous experience of living with another species. Since both the animals communicate quite differently when it comes to expressing themselves, confusion may ensue. 

Regardless, we are here to show you exactly what you can do to let the two different genera of animals live together harmoniously. So enjoy!

1. It’s Easier When They are Young

A puppy and a kitten can get along easily since they had no previous bad experiences with other species. Also, because of their young age, they will welcome anything and anybody with open arms. 

As they grow up together, they will develop a deep friendship. You should consider the breed of the dog and the cat, and make sure they match size. That is because if the puppy is too big, it may harm the tiny kitten. 

Moreover, playtime can get too rough for the kitten as the pup grows up. In an effort to teach the pup to respect the kitten, instead of chasing it, give it a toy to pursue. 

2. Patience is the Key

Don’t expect your pooch and your kitten to be friends at first sight. They need a few days to a week to sense each other out, and get closer. 

Since pets are territorial, you can’t force them to get along. They have to get to know each other at their own paces. 

If they are living in the same house, they are bound to run into each other. Talk to them softly, and use toys to invite them to play together. 

You can also let them meet each other from across a pet gate. Since a dog is more hyper and aggressive, don’t let it get too close to the cat. 

Some pet owners prefer to leash their dogs when they are meeting cats for the first few times. It is important that you supervise when they are together at least for the first few days. 

3. A Cat Needs Its Own Territory

A cat’s personality and preferences differ greatly to that of a dog. A cat needs to feel safe in her territory without having to worry about a dog wanting to be friends. This is due to its territorial nature. 

Therefore, it will be your job to teach your dog to respect a cat’s boundaries. Use commands whenever you see your dog crossing its boundaries. 

It’s better to let the two animals eat and sleep separately. They will learn more about each other by sniffing the scent left by the other. As they get more used to the other animal, their fears towards each other will also melt away. 

In all honesty, it actually depends on the cat to accept the dog. A dog would normally accept the other animal easily, but the cat takes time to analyze the dog before fully accepting it as its family. 

Some pet owners rub a towel on their dog, then let their cat smell it. Initially, the cat may not react specifically to the unfamiliar scent. When this is done a few times over, the cat relaxes to the scent. 

4. Cradle the Cat When Introducing to the Dog

Once you feel like they have both sniffed each other’s presence, it’s time to let them get a little bit closer. Cradle your cat in your arms, and bring it closer to the dog so they can both see each other. 

However, don’t let go of your cat, as this may frighten her. Your cat may respond in a variety of ways, while you introduce it to the dog. If it shuts away from the dog, take it slow. 

They may stare at each other, and try to understand the other’s scent. But be mindful of your cat’s reactions throughout the procedure. Finally, give them both treats for taking the attempt to get along. 

Furthermore, whatever you do, keep the cat in your arms ensuring it that you won’t let her go. Give the cat a chance to understand its canine family member while being held safely in your arms. 

5. Give Your Cat a Place to Escape to

As you make progress by following the steps discussed below, gradually you should let your cat and dog roam around the house as they please. But you have to give your cat a place to escape to, just in case your dog becomes aggressive or clingy

Bring a cat tree where your cat can escape to whenever it feels threatened by the dog. It can also attempt to climb up furniture in the house to stay away from the dog. 

When this happens, just let it. Forcing the cat to hang out with the dog may not be your cat’s cup of tea. 

Additionally, you can spay or neuter both your dog and cat, since sometimes hormones are responsible for making dogs aggressive. You should also not let your dog get close to your cat’s space, food or the litter box. Your cat won’t feel good about the situation if her personal space is invaded by the dog. 

Final Thoughts

As you follow the steps, you will allow a sweet bond to create between the two pets. It may not happen in a few weeks, and may take more time. Hence, it’s better to research about the potential of your dog and cat getting along before deciding to purchase a combo like this. 

Whether you are a cat person or a dog person, you can do a research on what sort of pet can adjust to living with another animal better. However, those cute videos of cats and dogs on YouTube are not lies. 

If your cat and dog can manage to get along eventually, it will be the sweetest thing ever. And you will be the one uploading videos of them doing cute things together!

Click on the pictures to see what kittens we currently have available.

Until our next cat convo


8 Ways to Stop Your Dog from Eating Cat Poop Once and for All

Have you tried everything already, but still could not keep your dogs away from your cat’s litter box? You are in the right place.

When you own dogs and cats at the same time, for some reason your dogs keep playing with cat poop. It is disgusting and bad for your doggo’s health.

Science says dogs eat cat poop because they are drawn to the protein content in the poop. It also suggests that a lack of proper nutrients in the dog’s body may be the reason behind this irksome behavior. (Join Luxury Casino)

Whatever the reason may be, we must put a stop to this behavior, so that your dogs can stay healthy, and your cats can have some privacy. Keep on reading to know all the tricks and tips to get your dog to stay away from cat poop.

1. Teach Your Dog the ‘Leave It’ Command

If your dog keeps invading your cat’s privacy, it is time to teach them the ‘Leave it’ command. Here’s how you will teach them this command -

Be very diligent in this. Whenever you see your dog wandering around the cat’s potty, you know what they are up to. In a firm tone address your dog, and say “Leave it!”

If they listen to you, give them a treat. If they disobey, say it again, but louder. Dogs don’t need to understand your vocabulary; they can sense your command.

It may not work out for the first few times, because your dog is new to the command. But it will catch up with you soon enough. Just keep repeating it.

2. Keep Your Dog Busy

Your dogs may be drawn to your cat’s private business out of sheer curiosity. When they have nothing to do, they would rather eat and play with cat poop.

To avoid this situation, you must keep your dogs busy with other healthier options. Keep them busy with toys and games. Give them things to do, so that they won’t get bored and start looking for weird stuff to do.

3. Use Fences to Keep Them Away

Indoor fences outside the room cats poop can prevent the dogs from having access to that space. There are a number of indoor fences available online. Find the one right for your dog’s size, height, and temperament.

When you purchase them though, make sure the space between the bars are wide enough for cats to get through, but narrow enough to prevent dogs from getting through.

Contrarily, you can install a small door in the bathroom door, so that your kitties can access the bathroom, but not your dogs.

4. Clean the Litter Box ASAP

One fine way of preventing dogs from eating cat poop is by cleaning the litter box as soon as possible after the cat’s done with its deed.

If the litter box is clean, dogs won’t have a reason to go near it and eat the excrements. By doing so, you also prevent the nasty poopy smell from spreading all over the house.

If cleaning every time is impossible, you can invest in self-cleaning cat litter boxes that will clean and refresh the potty by itself.

5. Get Dog Proof Litter Boxes

These days you will be able to find cat litter boxes that come with lids. The enclosing property of the litter boxes blocks the poopy smell from taking over the house.

More importantly, these dog-proof litter boxes prevent dogs from accessing the litter box and gives your cat the privacy it needs. They may have self-cleaning properties and odor-preventing features built in. Some of them have see-through layers so that your cat doesn’t feel claustrophobic or trapped inside the box.

6. Buy Stool Deterrents

Another way to prevent your dogs from eating cat poop is by getting them stool deterrents by the Dog Doctors. They are specially manufactured for dogs that cannot stop eating cat poop or other dog’s poop or their own.

You don’t want to kiss your dog once it has had its mouth in poop. Hence, investing in stool deterrents will be beneficial for you and for your dog, as some of the products have ‘fresh breath’ features to freshen up their mouths.

On the other hand, stool deterrents designed for cats can make their stools unattractive for dogs, so that they would stay away.

7. Add Black Pepper or Hot Sauce in the Litter Box

In order to keep your dogs away from cat litter, you can add some black pepper or hot sauce in the litter mix. Dogs would hate it!

Whenever your dogs get near the cat poop, the smell of hot sauce and pepper will repel them. This is a surefire way to make cat poop unattractive for dogs.

8. Give Your Dogs Proper Nutrition

Your dogs are most likely expressing interest in cat poop because of the nutritional value it provides. This is happening because your dogs are not getting enough nutrition from their current diet.

If this is so, it’s time to change the dog food. Check the ingredients labeled at the back of packages, and determine which ingredients your dogs mostly need. Remember that dogs have completely different nutrient standards, so you’d better get veterinary financing with no credit check to cover the cost of a vet consultation rather than trying to adjust the dog’s diet on your own.

Upon switching their dog food, make sure you portion their meals properly every day. You can give them human food as well, but with your veterinarian’s permission.

Final Thoughts

Having dogs are so much fun. They have their own personalities and temperament, and they keep your life exciting all the time.

Come to think of it, have you ever thought you will be researching about preventing your dogs from eating cat poop? No, right! But here you are, learning as much as you can about your lovely canine family.  In fact, an important aspect to consider in pet care is their safety. A good solution to ensure this is the Best GPS Tracker. With this device, you can prevent them from straying into unwanted areas.

Furthermore, the tips up here are not even as challenging. In fact, they are quite fun! So, all the best wishes.

If you have a lot of pet items in your house, you can use Custom Woven Labels to keep your pet items organized and easily identifiable. Whether you have multiple pets or just want to personalize your pet items, this is the perfect solution. They can be personalized with your pet's name, breed, and cute designs to create labels that are as unique as your pet's.

Click on the links in the article to see where it takes you.

Until our next cat convo


10 Health Benefits of Owning a Savannah Cat

A Savannah cat is more than just a fun-loving fluff ball who makes coming home from a hard day at work a little easier. Owning a Savannah cat can make your life better and your body healthier. Cat ownership could even protect against a variety of diseases. Here are 10 reasons your Savannah cat might be the best thing you do for your health.

Savannah Cats Help You Make Friends

Having a cat gives you an instant connection to other cat lovers. You have an easy source of small talk and amusing stories, which can be a great ice breaker at parties or even in job interviews. Lovers of Savannah cats are especially devoted. You can join message boards and play groups, using your cat as a way to connect with others.

Because Savannah cats are rare, your cat also gives you an interesting anecdote to share at parties. People who have never heard of Savannah cats may be curious. This presents the chance to talk about cat breeds, wild animal preservation, and the unique joys of owning such a special cat.

Cats Can Relieve Pain

Stroking a cat for a few minutes can loosen tense muscles, offering some relief for both short-term and chronic pain. Chronic pain has a strong mental health component. Depression and anxiety can make the pain worse. Stress can make it hard to make good health decisions such as exercising and stretching. But cats can make it easier to lead a healthy lifestyle. Living with a cat is a powerful motivator that can relieve psychological pain and get you moving, thereby offering relief from physical pain, too.

Your Mental Health May Improve

Though mental health and physical health are often talked about in separate arenas, the two are inextricably linked. Depression increases the risk of a host of illnesses, including heart disease and premature death. Poor mental health can also make it more difficult to make good health choices, such as quitting smoking and eating a healthy diet.

Enter your cat. Like a savior for all aspects of your health, your Savannah cat improves your physical health by boosting mental wellness. Cats can help with anxiety and depression, improving mental health and helping you lead a happier life.

Your Heart Disease Risk May Be Lower

Heart disease is the leading killer, and a major contributed to disability worldwide. Simply owning or petting a cat can reduce your risk of developing heart disease. And if you already have a cat, your pet could save your life by reducing your risk of dying of a cardiovascular episode.

The heart-healthy benefits of Savannah cat ownership include:

  • Lower blood pressure

  • Lower cholesterol

  • Decreased triglycerides

  • A lower risk of diabetes

  • More opportunities for exercise

  • Lower stress

  • Better circulation

Kids May Be Less Likely to Develop Allergies

Cats bring in dust, dirt, and dander. Even indoor cats get dusty and dirty. That might seem like a bad thing, but it’s actually great for your health. Low-level exposure to allergens can help boost the immune system, reducing the risk of developing allergies, asthma, and similar health problems. The benefits are especially strong in kids. So if you want your child to grow up allergy-free, let them get down on the floor and play with your cat (with adult supervision, of course).

Your Children May Learn Empathy

Empathy is the ability to understand another person’s feelings. It’s a hard thing to learn. It’s also a skill that will benefit your child for their entire life. In fact, research shows that kids with empathy and social intelligence are more likely to succeed. Social skills, not intelligence, are ultimately what make or break a career.

So what does this have to do with cats? Cats help gets learn empathy. If your child wants a good relationship with your cat, they have to learn to be gentle and read the cat’s cues. This is a lesson that will extend into your child’s relationship with others, propelling your child into a happy, healthy, successful life.

A Reason to Get Moving

Exercise may be the best thing you can do for your health. It lowers the risk of virtually every disease, from cancer to dementia, improves heart health, helps you be happier, and improves your body image. Yet many people struggle to get moving, especially after a long day at a demanding job.

Savannah cats don’t get their owners any slack when it comes to the need to exercise. These intelligent, high-energy felines need lots of high-energy play. So rather than hitting the treadmill, spend some time chasing your Savannah cat. You’ll burn calories, improve your health, and have lots of fun.

Better Sleep

Everyone loves laying down and settling into blissful repose at the end of the day. Sleep is more than just a luxury. It’s vital to your health. It helps your brain process the events of the day, promoting good mental health. It can also boost your immune system and strengthen your overall well-being. Yet many of us struggle to get a good night’s sleep. Stress, busy schedules, and the constant distraction of phones keep many people tossing and turning all night.

People who own cats sleep better, even if they don’t sleep with their cats. For people with insomnia or anxiety, though, a Savannah cat offers an additional benefit: stroking your cat as you fall asleep can help you fall asleep more quickly and sleep more soundly.

A Stronger Immune System

Just as exposure to dust and dander can prevent allergies, it can also strengthen your immune system. It works like this: exposure to tiny quantities of dander and dirt activate the immune system. This helps the immune system learn to fight off infections and other invaders. Particularly in children, the tiny microbes in cat fur activate the immune system for a lifetime of good health. No antibacterial soap required.

Help in an Emergency

If you have a chronic medical condition such as epilepsy or COPD, your cat can be trained to get you emergency help. Savannah cats are highly intelligent and mobile. They also bond strongly to their families. This makes them the perfect choice to train as an assistance animal. Cats have saved lives by calling 911, waking someone from a seizure, and intervening as a person chokes. Your cat is more than just a friend. He or she could save your life.

Ready to learn more about Savannah cats?Want to bring home a new member of your family? Contact us today for more information and a list of available cats!

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Trimming Your Cats Nails

Cleo showing how to get her nails trimmed.

Nail Trimming Tips

Let’s talk about those claws. Cats are well equipped beings with very sharp claws. The use them for a number of things like climbing, marking their territory, and self-defense. Because their claws become dull after several times of use, it is necessary for them to get regularly sharpened. Since this is a natural instinct, cats will find what they can to polish up their lethal weapons, whether it’s on their designated scratch post or your lovely leather sofa. 

In order to save yourself from those dreadful cat scratches and your favorite drapes from the nauseating rips and snags, it is important to know how to properly trim your cat’s nails. 

Identifying the Quick on a Cats Nail

Anatomy of the Claw

Cat’s nails naturally retract when they are resting, making it a bit difficult to see their nail. You can gently apply pressure at the bottom of the toe to expose the nail. 

At the base of the nail is a more pink or light red area. This is the quick, make sure you can identify the quick before cutting as this area contains blood vessels as well as nerves. If you happen to cut into the quick on accident it will bleed and be painful for the cat. Make sure you have a clotting agent such as styptic powder to clot the nail, then take a break.

Most domestic cats have five claws on both front paws and 4 on each back paw adding up to 18. However, there are exceptions such as a polydactyl cat. Examine your cat’s paws thoroughly before sitting down for a nail trim. 

Proper technique of trimming a cats nail

Use Proper Tools and Techniques

There are designated trimmers for cats and some people prefer a Dremel drill. However, we like to use human nail trimmers as it is something that is already familiar with, and the cats don’t seem to be as startled when using them versus a drill. Hold the trimmers horizontal when cutting each nail. Cutting vertically seems to be an easier position to cut, however it can splinter the nail and cause what is almost like a hangnail to us. 

Getting a Feel for It

 The best time to start trimming nails in when your cat is a kitten. Kittens are more acceptable to new things and will allow you to mess with their feet more. Touch their feet several times during the day and practice retracting their claws so you and your kitten get more comfortable with it. 

Applying pressure to retract a cat claw.

Of course, not everyone will adopt their cats as kittens. In this case, the best time try for a nail trim is when they are worn out and sleepy. Possibly after a meal or a long play session. Find a dim, quiet room with no distractions. Lay them on your lap and gently massage their paws. This will relax them as well as allowing them to become more familiar with you handling their feet.  

Reward Them for Good Behavior

Cats respond very well to positive reinforcement. When attempting to trim their nails it’s always a good idea to have treats on hand. When they allow you to retract their paws, give them a treat. Try one nail at a time, rewarding them after each complete paw. If they start to get squirmy take a break and try again later or another day.  

Cleo Knows Its Time for Her Mani Pedi

Work as a Team

 Sometimes it’s not always easy to get the nails trimmed by yourself so you might have a friend accompany you. When doing this you are more apt to make the cat nervous since there are more of you than him. Make small movements and use a soft voice which will help calm him down. Take breaks if necessary as you want to keep this a pleasant experience for you cat.  

Practice Makes Perfect

Remember, you and your cat are not going to be perfect the first time. Allow you both some time and practice, be patient and reward good behavior. Take breaks when necessary and never be aggressive or angry with your cat if they do not stay still. Let them have some space and try again another day. You will be pro’s before you know it!

Until Our Next  Cat Convo

- Amanda

Spot Me Out

Do you know how to tell the Difference?

When clients and friends come to our cattery they are astonished at how I can tell them all apart. Well the answer for me is easy but not everyone knows what to look for in order to identify each and every one, so let me give you some tips. 

The Distinct Differences

There is one thing about the Savannah Cat that never EVER changes, its spots! Each cat has their own unique spotted pattern which I call their "Fingerprint" You can always look at the cats and tell them apart by the spots. Main ways that I describe these patterns are if they have a flower pattern, a line of spots, lots of small spots, large distinct spots, clusters of spots, etc. Sometimes it is very hard to tell them apart but once you really sit and look at the pattern you will find something that sticks out to you so you can determine if that's your cat. You can see this for yourself from the social profiles of Chloe Jade or Delonte West.

Another thing I tend to recognize is the pattern of lines on their face and around their eyes. Me being a girly girl and former hair dresser I have fun names for this. ;) The lines on the side of their face are sometimes black, orange, bold, or broken, I call this their "mascara" The cats also often have markings in between this "mascara" that can be dark or light, more bold than not or also spotted, this is their "blush". Then we come to the "eye liner" this is the part around their eyes that is often a very light or bright white in color. If you move down their necks they have bands around their necks..... take a guess at what this is called.... yup, their "necklace" The "necklace around their necks are often what I call broken which is where they do not completely come together. At times, they have multiple "necklaces" and most often in different shades of black and gold. 

The Maturing Differences 

A1Savannahs features of a savannah blog photo blue eyes

Just like humans, all kittens are born with blue eyes. A very common question we are always asked is if their eyes will stay blue. Sometimes they will but most often they change to a green, gold or hazel color.  Kittens eyes do take time to develop and their quality of vision always comes before the color change. Kittens eyes typically will change their color between 3-6 months of age. Most of the time the kittens will be in their new home at this age so it is very hard for us to give a precise answer. 

Another thing that can happen is that the color of their noses can change. From my experience, we have had kittens born with pink noses that end up with a dark outer rim and sometimes born with this dark outer rim and turn mostly black. They say that cat noses can change with temperature, mood, blood pressure and that the lighter the cats nose the more you can see it change. But as far as our little hybrid kittens go, I think it is just part of their maturing process.

Figuring It All Out

Now that I have given you some of my helpful tips on how I like to discern the differences between our kitties why don't you go have a look. See if there is anything that stands out to you or helps you decipher your cats "Fingerprint" 

Tell us your helpful tips or show off your cat's beautiful features on our social media pages!



A1 Savannahs features of a savannah info-graph

Sleepy Kitty

Our cats and their napping habits.

As a mommy to several kitties I am always catching them in the most unusual slumber. Some of them in the obvious places like; in the warmth of the sun, on the fluffy sofa, in their cozy bed, in our cozy bed, and my most favorite is in my lap.  But sometimes you look for them for twenty minutes but they are nowhere to be found because they have a secret bunker where they can slip into that deep sleep with no disruption.

Types of Sleep

Did you know that cats also go into REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep just like humans? Most of the time when cats are sleeping they are not in that deep, fabulous, no care in the world sleep but more of that, I'm asleep but not really asleep because I can freakin' hear everything that is going on and no one will be quiet sleep. They stay in this state of sleep for around 15 - 20 minutes while momentarily falling into REM sleep for about 5 minutes at a time. If you ever notice your cat sleeping but slightly shift their radar's or taking a slight peek around this is when they are in the "Dozing" stage of sleep. If your kitty has their eyes tightly shut or using their personal fluffy sleep mask this is when they are in the "DO NOT BOTHER ME I AM ACTUALLY ASLEEP!" stage.

Why so long?

Cats can sleep anywhere from 15-20 hours a day depending on their age filling their fluffy fuel tanks. Cats release an obscene amount energy when hunting their prey, or in our instance, their secret stash of catnip so they need all the rest they can get. Kittens and older cats require more sleep than the average aged cat. Kittens sleep more because their precious little bodies are growing and older cats have had their time of prime and have decided life is much easier when you slow down.

Getting Adjusted

Most cats are dawn dwellers but being as adaptive as they are, they easily adjust to our hectic schedules. They enjoy their human time therefore making time in their day for us. But if you are having kitty soft paws in your face at 4:00 in the mother lovin' morning then try having some extra play time during the day especially before bed time. You may also give them a small snack before bed because they also like to go to bed on a full belly.  FUN FACT: We have a friend that as soon as he has eaten he is ready for bed before we even leave the table. We always tease him and tell him his eyelids are attached to his stomach. The more he eats, the fuller he gets and pulls his eyelids down, it’s pretty comical. But kitties do have a method to their madness when it comes to their sleeping habits.  Hunt, Eat, Clean, Sleep, Repeat!


If your fur child is sleeping more or less than usual you might want to consult with your veterinarian. There may be an underlying medical problem that needs addressed. Always take note of unusual habits your cats may have. If there is something different or concerning contact your breeder for advice or of course your veterinarian is always there to help. 

Whether in my lap or in their bed I always enjoy watching the cats sleep. You can actually distinguish when they slip in and out of that deep sleep. You can see their paws twitch and nose wiggle while in the land of catnip or their radars activate to be sure no danger is near.

We are always finding our kitties in the most peculiar places and positions. 

Tell us about some of your favorite sleepy kitty stories or share your photos with us on our social media sites!

Until Our Next Cat Convo 

- Martin