PAWsitive Introductions: 6 Tips for Bringing a New Dog into Your Cat's Life

PAWsitive Introductions: 6 Tips for Bringing a New Dog into Your Cat's Life

Are you introducing a new puppy or dog into your home and not sure how your existing cat or cats will react? Welcoming a new friend so close to your feline family can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be!

How Owning a Cat Can Improve a Student's Mental Health

How Owning a Cat Can Improve a Student's Mental Health

A cat is not just a pet. It is a four-legged friend that can be an important part of a student's life. A cat can become a reliable companion who is always by your side.

Treat Yourself and Your Pet on National Pet Day Off 2023

As a nation, we love our pets and treat them as valued members of the household. As such, most pet owners are keen to lavish their pets with love, spoil them, and ensure they are content and happy within the family unit. One of the ways in which you can achieve this is by spending plenty of time with your pet, but this can be difficult for those who have a lot of commitments, such as full-time jobs.

The good news is that you have the opportunity to dedicate a day to your pet in April, as National Pet Day 2023 comes around. It is hoped that lots of employers will sign up for the scheme, which means that pet owners can enjoy the chance to spend quality time with their beloved pets. If you are planning to take the day and spend it with your pet, there are lots of ways in which you can treat yourself and your furry friend to a fun day. We will look at some of the options to consider below.

How You Can Both Have Fun

There are lots of ways in which you can have fun with your pet on National Pet Day Off. Of course, it depends on the type of pet you have – your cat is unlikely to want a long walk in the park, while your dog might get bored sitting on your lap and having a relaxed movie day! So, here are a few ideas:

Exciting Outdoor Adventures

One of the things you can do if you have a dog is to arrange an exciting outdoor adventure for the day. This is a great way for you and your pet to have some fun and enjoy the many benefits of getting out into the fresh air. You can head to a local park where there are facilities for your pooch or even head to a dog-friendly beach for some fun and games.

Cozy Day In

If you have a dog that prefers a sedentary lifestyle or a lap cat that loves to spend time with you, a cozy day in could be the ideal way to enjoy time with your pet. You can treat yourself to some relaxation as you lounge around the house and kick back to watch some movies. Your pet can enjoy the treat of having you around for the whole day and being showered with attention.

Treat Your Pet

You could even use your day off constructively by treating your pet to something special such as a cat tree for your fabulous feline or an outdoor swing ball pole for your pampered pooch. You can then use the day to put these items together with your pet, so they can start enjoying the thrill of their new gift right away.

These are just some of the ways in which you can treat your pet and even yourself when National Pet Day Off comes around.  

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Until our next cat convo


How to Raise a Savannah Kitten

Savannah cats are very different from any other cat that you might choose to bring into your home. These cats are the result of breeding between domestic cats and a wild African serval cat. Since part of their genetics will come from an undomesticated animal, they can be more of a handful than other breeds. Here are some of the things to know when trying to raise a Savannah kitten.


If you are bringing a Savannah kitten into your home, it is vital that you know what generation they come from. F1 Savannah kittens will have a serval cat as a parent while F4 Savannah kittens will only have a great, great-grandparent who was a serval cat. The latter will obviously have a lot more of a domesticated heritage, so even if they look like a serval cat they might not act like one. Likewise, an F1 kitten will be a lot wilder, and might even be feral compared to an F3 or F4 kitten.

Vet Visits

A Savannah kitten might be classed as an exotic pet depending on where you live, so you need to make sure that you find a vet that is willing to work with it. What’s more, just as you would get coverage and protection for a regular cat from providers like Petsure, you will also need to look into finding insurance that will cover exotic cats. Vet bills can quickly become expensive, so ensuring that you have pet insurance will help you manage some of the many costs that can come with caring for this animal.


Luckily, Savannah cats have the same diet as domestic cats so you should not have to deviate too much from what you typically feed an ordinary cat. It is recommended that you feed your cat a combination of dry and wet food. They might also enjoy certain raw or cooked meats. Make sure any food that you do give them is free from cereals as this is a cat that is more suited to a wholly protein diet. Remember to give them a good supply of fresh water to drink from too.

Energy Levels

Regardless of the generation that you are adopting, you should be aware that Savannah cats have a lot more energy than their domesticated cousins. Therefore, if you want to get this type of cat, you need to make sure that you are spending enough time with them to make sure that they are exercised and burning up all of that energy. Toys that can simulate hunting, such as those on the end of a string, can be a great choice here.


Since these are wild animals, you do need to ensure that you properly socialise them from a young age. They generally work quite well with other pets, but you need to make sure that you have them spend time with other pets as soon as possible. Even if you don’t have other pets, make sure that they are handled by many different people as they can cope with. If it looks like they are showing signs of distress when you introduce them to new people, you should consider keeping them more isolated.

A Savannah kitten can be a great addition to your home, but you have to be aware that they can be slightly different to raise than other cats. Do your duty as a pet owner, and make sure that you know how to properly care for your cat. If you can do so, you should hopefully be able to give your kitten a very long and happy life.

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Until our next cat convo


Cat-proofing Your Home to Keep Your Pet Safe

Learn how to cat-proof your home and apartment. Safeguard all of your cords, ensure your windows above the ground floor are closed, and avoid buying poisonous plants.

What to Do if Your Indoor Cat Gets Outdoors

What to Do if Your Indoor Cat Gets Outdoors

If you have an indoor cat, one of your biggest worries is that it might eventually escape from your home and take off into your yard or beyond. Here are some things you can do to help mitigate the situation.

How to Keep Your Cat Happy When You Are a Student

Your cat may be your only friend that makes you happy while attending college. It is tolerant to your communication issues, lack of time, or poor training techniques. Running between coursework, assignments, and being active in college can be overwhelming and take a huge chunk of your time with your tom. 

While playing with your pet is one of the ways to make it happy, you can’t be around it all day. Here are a few cat care skills to help you keep your cat happy while keeping up with your student’s life.

Play with the cat

Yes, as a student, you deal with so much in college, from difficult coursework, assignments, exams, while trying to balance your social life at the same time. This can take time from your cat, which needs company too. You need time to bond with your cat. An informative essay writer can make use of an essay service like EssayService, an essay writing company, to help balance their college workload and create more time for leisure activities like playing with their cat. You can do this by engaging an essay writing platform. Ca.EduBirdie is a Canadian essay writing company for university students that will enhance their essay writing and create time to play with your cat. When I need to write my essay but lack ideas, essay writing Canada service always comes to my rescue. And with time on your side, you can play hide and sick with a mouse toy filled with catnip, blow babbles outside to let it play, or go for a walk.

Get a scratching post

An excellent scratching post is an important aspect of your cat’s happiness while in college. Gifting your cat with scratching is like getting one’s nails done. It is a love language and the cat gets busy with its clutches. A scratching post also saves you a great deal with your coach and expensive curtains from going to waste, as a cat has to play and scratch something.   This is also a great way to keep your cat busy while attending your lectures and a form of physical exercise for the cat. While choosing a scratcher, go for horizontal, vertical, or inclined. Consider a good quality scratcher for long-term use.

Set up the right litter box

Cats can be massively fussy with their litter box, hence the need to be particular when choosing a cat litter box tailored to meet your cat’s needs. Creating a cat-friendly litter box is essential to get your cat comfortable ad eventually at a happy place. Always make sure the litter box is improved and meets your cat’s needs, is clean, and doesn’t endanger your cat.

Paying attention to the litter box also helps you know if it is old or your cat has outgrown it in size. Make sure it is always clean, and the better option will be a natural litter box. It’s easier to clean and doesn’t expose your cat to health risks.

Catnip herb

The National Wildlife Federation recommends the catnip plant. It is most popular with cat owners. It is scientifically an herb in the mint family, which has an aromatic scent that makes cats excited. Get dry catnip leave and place it around your cat’s baubles. When the cat gets in contact with the catnip, it will create a pleasurable and temporary high.

This does not work in all cats, especially kittens. If you want to know your cat is happy after a long day with students’ course work, you will notice your cat rubbing, tossing, or flicking around, and also meowing a little.

Show love to your cat

Loving your cat is not just how it makes you feel. You need to let them know they are important and hold a special part in your heart. You already know how much you love your cat through the bonds you have created. Unlike dogs, they don’t show affection expressly, hence the need to dig down the love a little bit.

Building the bond also requires you to take note of the small signs that are so subtle to notice most of the time. For example, it might sound crazy to mimic your cat’s voice but the cat will passive it as a love language.


All said and done, all work and no play makes top a dull cat, hence the need to find a better way to enhance your cat’s happiness. Creating a conducive environment should just be one of the ways to balance your cat’s emotional, physical, and mental needs. Just in case your cat care routine was off the trail for a minute, these tips will help improve your relationship with the cat and make them happy, although they don’t ask much for most parts.

Click on the links in the article to see where it takes you.

Until our next cat convo


Boost Your Cat's Energy, Happiness and Overall Health With These 6 Tips

If you are a cat owner, you likely understand how rewarding it is to have this furry creature in your family. Their affection and love are often wonderful incredible benefits; however, as a pet owner, it is also important to you to understand your role in this relationship. These small creatures are reliant on you to make all of the decisions that affect their health and wellness. Here are 6 tips that can help improve their overall health, happiness and energy levels that can help you give them the life they deserve.

Well-Balanced Diet

For many pet owners, knowing what to feed your cat can sometimes be tricky. Not only can kitties be a bit picky, but you also need to find the right balance of nutrients. You need to find the right balance of ingredients in their meals. It is key to find options that are low in carbohydrates and fillers and higher in the ratio of protein and fats like Solid Gold. Make sure that their diet supports a healthy system and gives them the energy that they need to play, cuddle and go about their days.

Water Sources

It is not surprising the hydration is a key part of keeping your cat happy and healthy. Kitties will get quite a good bit of their hydration through wet food, and you need to monitor how much wet food and water they are consuming to the best of your abilities. Cats may consume water in a few different forms from bowls of stagnant water around, small kitty water fountains from the tap. You should always have one form of water available for their use at their leisure.

Their Own Space

Kitties are very territorial creatures, and they need to have their own bed or space away from other pets and humans. Having somewhere they can retreat to can help them navigate stressful situations and help them feel safe. Make sure that you find spaces for them to feel comfortable that they can consider their own.

Play Time

Cats spend a significant amount of their time resting and this can often be deceiving for pet parents. While your kitty may need naps, they also need playtime. Much like their human owners, staying active and getting exercise can help them maintain a healthy weight, reduce their risk of dangerous health conditions and keep them happier. While your cat will need playtime, you can also benefit from this, as playing with cats can be incredibly amusing and fun for you as well.

Engagement and Mental Stimulation

Cats were once wild creatures who roamed the earth, exploring and venturing off on their own. While cats have largely been domesticated, their instincts and behaviors are still rooted in their desire to explore. You need to let their natural instincts thrive and find a happy medium between their needs and yours. For indoor cats, there are plenty of ways to keep them engaged and stimulated and everything from cat trees, platforms, backyard engagement enclosures or mentally stimulating toys to help keep them energized, healthy and happy. Not only will this improve their life, but it also can reduce the likelihood of behavioral issues.

A Safe Home Environment

A cat’s natural desire to explore can be a wonderful thing, but it can also present challenges. Cat owners need to be vigilant to ensure that their home is safe and keep toxins away. While cleaning products and other household toxins may seem obvious, cat owners also need to be cognizant of certain types of plants and foods like chocolate, grapes and garlic that can cause tremendous harm if ingested. Make sure that you pet-proof your home as any exposure to harmful agents can cause significant harm to their health and safety.

As a pet parent, there are many things that you need to do to ensure that your furry family member can thrive. Everything from keeping them well-fed to ensuring that you have an engaging space to removing potential risks, there are many things that you need to account for. Do the research that is necessary to have a safe and healthy space for your kitty.

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Until our next cat convo